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Dear Lord,
Let all glory today be Yours and Yours alone. 
Let us win or lose in humility,
giving all praise to You. 

Athletics Overview

Athletic competition is a natural extension of the school's Physical Education program. A good athletic program teaches and develops physical skills, mental discipline, sportsmanship, and the striving spirit necessary for the successful developmental growth.


SHS offers the following sports for students in Grades 6, 7, and 8:

Soccer (Fall) Grades 6-8

Girls Soccer coach – Sarah Smith
Boys Soccer coach – Andrea Nichols


Basketball (Winter) Grades 6-8

Boys Basketball Coach - Scott Bray

Girls Basketball Coaches - John Campbell


Baseball (Spring) Grades 6-8

Coach – Scott Bray


Track & Field (Spring) Grades 6-8

Coach – Andrea Nichols


Sports Participation

Academic Standing

A student must maintain a Grade of A through C in all subjects. Grades will be reviewed at mid-term and at the end of each trimester. If a student falls below this level in any subject at either of these times, the student will be removed from participation in co-curricular activities. A student may request a re-evaluation from the teacher(s) four weeks after the report card is given. If the student earns a passing grade at the evaluation, eligibility may be restored and the student may participate once again. Third trimester grades will determine the student’s eligibility for the first trimester of the following year.


Any student who does not demonstrate satisfactory conduct in all subjects will not be allowed to participate in co-curricular activities.  Refer to the SHS Code of Conduct, pages 16 - 17 in this Handbook. The same rules apply as are listed in the guidelines for Academic Standing.


Any student who does not demonstrate satisfactory effort in all subjects will not be allowed to participate in co-curricular activities. Refer to the SHS Code of Conduct, pages 16 - 17 in this Handbook. The same rules apply as are listed in the guidelines for Academic Standing.

Dress Code for Practices

While student athletes must follow our standard of dress for athletics, SHS apparel is not required for practices. Student-athlete shorts must be no shorter than the student’s fingertips when placed at their sides. For practices, tank tops are allowed, but undergarments must not show.

Athletic Forms

All athletes must submit (1) completed Athletic Information Packet per year in order to participate in any sport.

Athletic Fees

The fee is $125 per sport. These fees are budgeted by the athletic department and only used for departmental needs. These fees are due before the first practice in the student's participating sport.

Athletic Director
Andrea Nichols


All athletes must submit (1) completed Athletic Information Packet per year in order to participate in any sport.

There is a $125 fee for each sport to help support departmental needs. This is due before the first game of the season.

Click here for the Athletic Information Packet